Episode 3 - How Your Voice Can Impact MILLIONS (Inspired By Chris Cornell)


Whenever you hear about something bad that's going on in the world - do you ever feel like you need to do something about it? I understand how you feel and in fact today’s episode comes inspired from one of the most unlikely of places possible. It’s actually inspired by the recent passing of Chris Cornell and how impacted I was by his sudden death. Seeing thousands and thousands of people talk about his music and how his voice inspired them really hit home. I believe that your voice, even though you are not Chris Cornell, can impact millions of people as well. The question is how? Well here it is. Step one (4:24) is acknowledge that this person is having a difficult time. In this section of the video you’ll discover how this rare act can totally change someone’s mood. Step two (4:55) is to listen to them when they start to open up to you. In this section, I elaborate on why listening can be one of the greatest gifts that you could ever give someone. And step three (5:35) is share your story with them. Here’s my challenge to you today: Go out and do it. Find one person that you know is hurting in your circle of influence. This could be a family member. This could be someone that you come across on social media. This could be somebody who you don't even know.. Who ever it is, use these three steps and you will be amazed at the impact that you will have on that person’s day. Remember that your voice really can make a difference in the world, and you most likely have the opportunity to do so today.


I want to ask you a question real quick…

Whenever you hear about something bad that's going on in the world - do you ever feel like you need to do something about it?

You want to say something, but you don't know what to say. You want to do something, but you don't really know what to do. Or worse yet - you might even feel “unqualified” to do anything about all the craziness in the world …so you end up doing nothing.

Have you ever felt like that before? Me too. All the time. In fact, I’ve met tons of people who feel like this too any time something crazy happens (which is pretty much every day at this point).

So if YOU have ever felt like that before - like you want to do something about all the horrible things that are going on in the world, but you don’t know what to do…

Today’s post is definitely for you. Why?

Because I'm going to show you a simple strategy you can use to impact the people around you in a positive way. And when you’re able do that, changing the world becomes easy.

Sound like something worth reading? Good. That’s what I thought J By the way…

Here’s what inspired this topic today:

For those of you that don't know (if you're living under a rock or something) Chris Cornell, one of the most influential singers of our time, recently passed away. And as expected with someone as incredible and talented as Chris Cornell was, his death naturally had a huge “ripple effect” across the entire world.

And on the day that he died - I couldn’t help but notice THOUSANDS of stories and comments that people shared about him. There were SO MANY people talking about Soundgarden's music, and how it helped them overcome some difficult and tragic circumstances in their life. It was amazing.

Seeing how one person's voice can impact thousands of people was inspiring to me. So inspiring, in fact, that I felt like I needed to get this message out to as many people as possible.

Especially because nowadays, it’s easy to feel helpless. It’s easy to see all the tragic and terrible things that are going on in the world, and feel like we are too small to do anything about it.

But the truth is – YOUR VOICE can impact thousands of people as well.

And I get it…

You're not Chris Cornell. You may or may not have a lovely singing voice. You may or may not be in one of the most influential and top-record-selling bands of all time.

HOWEVER… you do have a circle of influence that you can reach out to. You do have people around you that you can uplift and inspire. You do have a voice that you can use to make the world a better place.

The problem is – too many people tened to overcomplicate this.

They think that making the world a better place is very difficult. And for that reason, I came up with three simple steps that you could use to uplift the people within your reach (and make the world a better place as a result).

Here’s how it works…

Whenever you see somebody who is going through a very difficult time in their life (whether it's someone that you see at a grocery store, a waitress that is serving you at a restaurant, or maybe even somebody on social media) here's what you gotta do…

STEP #1:

Acknowledge that this person is having a difficult time.  You would not believe how powerful it is to just literally acknowledge somebody's presence. Especially in a society that is so egocentric and “me-focused” these days. Just taking the time to acknowledge somebody else's struggles, and just expressing that you care about them, that is extremely rare. So rare, in fact, that people will literally be floored over the fact that that you took the time to reach out to them.

STEP #2:

When they start to open up to you and tell you about what they're going through, LISTEN to them. Believe it or not, listening to somebody else is one of the greatest gifts that you could ever give. In an egocentric culture (like the one that we live in here in America) it's very easy to just glaze over everybody else's issues and just focus on ourselves. But when people start to open up to you, and tell you about the things that are going on in their lives, LISTEN TO THEM. You never know what they're going to tell you, and what you might be able to help them with. Which leads us to…


Believe it or not - the way that humans are wired, we relate best to other people through the pain that we experience in life. There are deep psychological reasons behind this (which I don’t have time to go into on this blog). But for now, just bear with me here. Check the facts if you think I’m lying.

Anyways - when you meet someone who's going through something difficult, and you recognize a similar situation that you went through, the best thing you can do for that person is to share your experience with them.

Because when you share your story - you're giving others a brand new perspective on what they are going through. You're giving them hope that what they're going through doesn't have to last forever. You’re showing them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

And just like that, you’re changing the world. You’re making somebody else’s day much better as a result of your involvement. And if everybody just took 5 minutes out of their day to do these three simple things, just imagine how different this world would be as a result.  

Now, I know the concept of “changing the world” is infinitely more complicated than I’m making it sound right now. BUT! These three simple steps are a fantastic start.

With that said…

Here’s my challenge to you today:

Go out and do it. Find one person that you know is hurting in your circle of influence. This could be a family member. This could be someone that you come across on social media. This could be somebody who you don't even know..

And when you find that person, here’s what you do…

1) Reach out to them and acknowledge their presence (crazy difficult, right?)

 2) Listen to them (also very difficult) and…

 3) Share your story with them.

Why am I harping on this story thing so much?

Because I guarantee that you've learned some harsh lessons throughout your life that could be beneficial for others to hear. There’s a chance that somebody else is going through a painful experience that possibly YOU have already overcome, and your perspective can genuinely add value in their lives.

You've been through the “FIRE” and you came out “GOLD.”
And NOW…

It’s time to share that gold with the rest of the world.

And if you'd like our help to get your story out there, just send me a message on Facebook or any of our social media. Let me know of a recent circumstance that you went through and the positive lesson that you learned as a result, and we'll share it with a lot of other people.

Until then, remember that your voice really can make a difference in the world, and you most likely have the opportunity to do so today.

Talk to you soon,
