Episode 2 - How To Deal With HATERS (Even If It’s Your Grandma)


If you have a dream or something big that you want to accomplish in your life, you are going to have haters. You’re going to have people who will tell you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, good looking enough, talented enough or qualified enough to actually achieve the things that you want to achieve. And because I know a lot of people deal with this, I came up with these three simple steps you can follow any time somebody starts to hate on you (even if it’s your grandma): Step #1 (2:15) is to think of your goal, and remind yourself WHY you wanted to achieve that goal in the first place. In this section of the video you’ll also discover our “hidden motives” behind starting Gold By Fire. Step #2 (3:50) is to literally start ignoring the people that are not supporting you. In this section, I give you my psychological theory as to why these people are criticizing you in the first place.  And Step #3 (5:00) is to keep going anyways. REGARDLESS of what anybody else says. These three steps have been very helpful to me in the past, and they've led to some pretty cool results in my personal and professional life. So if you ever have any haters in your life – test out these three steps and let us know how well they work out for you.




So let me know if you've been here before…

You have a really big goal, or really big dream that you want to accomplish in your life, And yet, when you tell people about it, they give you this look that makes it obvious that they don't really believe in you. Or maybe (if you’re like me) you're at a family dinner … you talk about your goal to be a rock star … and you get these looks from your grandma like “yeah you should have went back to college.”

I’m not meaning to throw my grandma under the bus here. She’s fantastic. I just want to use that story to quickly illustrate a phenomenon that I know a lot of people deal with:

If you have a dream, if you have a passion, if you have a goal that you want to accomplish in your life -something that really means a lot to you – you are ALWAYS going to have haters.

I have haters. Maisen has haters. We ALL have haters.

Take Gold By Fire for example…

Sure, there are many people who might say they believe in us. But when it gets right down to it - they don't truly believe that we can take this concept of Gold By Fire and turn it into this big national brand, tour the world, and inspire millions of people.

Those are some huge goals, I know. And to some people, they probably sound pretty crazy.

But regardless of how big your goals are …regardless of how “unrealistic” it may seem to accomplish the things that you want in life …you should never ever let what somebody else says stop you.

And look, not everybody is like this.

You are going to have some really awesome people in your life that do support you and do honestly want to see you succeed. Those are the people you want to stick around with.

However …a lot of people WON’T support you.

So anytime I'm in this very awkward situation where I'm talking with somebody and they don't really truly believe in me (or if I feel this negative pressure from other people basically telling me that my dream of becoming a rock star is impossible)…

I kind of developed this 3-step system that anybody can use any time you’re dealing with some haters:

STEP #1:

Whenever you're getting some de-constructive criticism from people …the first thing that I do is to remind myself WHY I got into this in the first place.

If you had the chance to watch our previous video…  

You know that the reason why we're so passionate about Gold By Fire is because we want to use music as a way to uplift and inspire people. We have been impacted by music throughout our entire lives, and we want the opportunity to do that as well.

YES, those are huge outlandish goals. But you know what?

It’s what I'm passionate about. It’s what gets me excited. It's what drives me.

And if you're in a similar situation - where you know people are starting to hate on you - just this one step alone might help you out a lot.

The next time someone starts telling you that you can't do it, just remember WHY you wanted to achieve that goal in the first place. And usually, that “why” is the greatest motivating factor that keeps you going anyways.  

STEP #2:

Literally start ignoring all the people that are not supporting you. Not everybody's going to support you. It's just a matter of life. In fact, I remember one of my mentors told me that one-third of people will love you, one-third of people will hate you and one-third of people couldn’t care less. So, it’s up to YOU to hang around the people that do support you, and distance yourself a little bit from the haters.

You might also find this perspective to be helpful:

A lot of people who are telling you that you can't achieve something are usually the same people who a.) tried and failed at their own dreams in the past or b.) are just jealous of you. It's very hard for most people to sit back and watch somebody else go after their dreams.

STEP #3:

Keep going regardless of the negative pressure. Regardless of how many people tell you that you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not talented enough, or you're not good-looking enough …keep going anyways.

One of the documented commonalities amongst all the successful people in the world is that they JUST DON’T QUIT. They're willing to go through failure after failure, trial after trial, and painful experience after painful experience until they eventually reach their goal.

What about you?

Listen - if there’s something you really want to accomplish in your life (a dream, a goal, a passion, a career, etc) you're absolutely going to achieve it if you keep going. If you don’t quit, the outcome is inevitable.

If you just decide, right here and now, that you're going to accomplish something…

·       Regardless of how difficult it is…

·       Regardless of how many obstacles you're going to encounter, and…

·       Regardless of how many negative people are going to come into your life and tell you that         you can't do something…


Just like we hope that we will achieve our goals of using Gold By Fire as our vehicle to help people, and live out the childhood dream of being a professional musician. Those are our goals, and that's what we want to accomplish.

So whatever your goals are, I highly encourage you to test out these three steps. Just try them out and let me know how well this works for you. These three steps have been very helpful to me in the past, and they've actually led to some really cool results::

When we first started Gold By Fire everyone thought it was literally like a “pipe dream” (which it still kind of is to an extent). NOBODY believed in us. And you know what?

Fast forward a couple years later…

We have people messaging us on all of our social media platforms, telling us how impactful our music has been in their lives.

THAT is what it’s all about, and THAT is the proof that these three steps really do work. So if you have any haters in your life – test out these three steps and let us know how well they work out for you.

ALSO - let us know what YOUR GOALS are in the comments section below, and we’ll be the people in your life who offer love and support.

Rock on,