Episode 7 - IMPORTANT MESSAGE From The Top Of A Mountain…


Have you ever felt like you just wanted to QUIT? Like the road your on is all up-hill, and you’re not quite sure if you have the strength to keep going?

Sometimes that “uphill battle” is your job. Sometimes it’s a challenging relationship with a family member. Sometimes it’s an internal struggle that gets you to constantly question “am I good enough?” on a daily basis. 

Have you ever felt this way before?

Me too. Especially when it comes to getting Gold By Fire moving in the right direction, and turning my dreams & passions in music into a tangible reality (a stupidly big “uphill battle” in today’s day and age).

However… after climbing a mountain with my family in Maine…

I discovered the #1 reason why you should NEVER quit when times gets tough (& why feeling fear is actually a GOOD sign).

All that and more in this week’s short episode of the #GoldByFireShow.

Rock on,


P.S. Enjoy all the jokes from my brother and sister in the background.