


Gold By Fire is a new rock / pop band that uplifts and inspires listeners of all ages.

Having already shared the stage with national acts Trapt and Puddle of Mudd in their first few shows as a band - and amassing hundreds of free downloads of their debut single  - the band is quickly gaining a lot of attention for their message and diverse musical style.

Founded by drummer Kyle Tresch and singer Maisen Saxton, Gold By Fire came together in one of the weirdest and miraculous ways possible...
Kyle and Maisen first met back in 2012 at a concert in Portland, Oregon. 
Maisen was at the concert to see 12 Stones (the headlining act) while Kyle was playing drums for the opening band. Right after the show - Kyle and Maisen crossed paths at a merch table, and instantly hit it off. They were both complete strangers at the time. But after striking up a conversation, Kyle and Maisen quickly discovered that they both had one thing in common with each other:

The dream of making music that could bring people hope.

However - they never thought this ‘dream’ would go any further than just one conversation. After all, Maisen had zero experience being in a band, and Kyle was already playing drums for multiple bands at the time. But even after Kyle hopped back on the tour bus that night (thinking he would never see Maisen again) they decided to keep in touch.

A few weeks later though …after Kyle returned home to Ohio from the tour …the two met again. Only this time, they met at a mall less than 20 minutes from where Kyle lived. Maisen just so happened to be in town at the time, so they decided to meet up again and entertain the far-fetched idea of starting a band together. The only problem was…

They lived on OPPOSITE sides of the country. 

The odds were stacked against them. However … since they both felt called to be in band that brings people hope, they decided to give it a shot.

So they began writing songs together.

Kyle would map out the chords and melodies on whatever piano he could find, and then composed full music tracks with the help of his friends Eric Potapenko, Ric Holloway, and brother Garrett Tresch. Once the demo music tracks were recorded…Kyle emailed the tracks over to Maisen, who would then add his vocals to the mix. They would repeat this process several times over until, not long after, they realized that there was something special happening.

So out of shear faith…Maisen moved his family from Oregon to Ohio, so that the band could record their debut EP and start playing shows.

And just like that, Gold By Fire was born.

Together, Kyle and Maisen wrote songs about their own personal struggles, and did their best to shed a positive light on the problems that they, and many others, face on a daily basis. Ranging from hard topics that include dealing with temptation; negativity in news media, and that ‘nagging’ feeling that tells us our lives are meant for something greater ...each song offers a glimmer of hope in the midst of all the chaos.

In fact, that’s what the name “Gold By Fire” is all about.

The band’s name comes from a bible verse in 1 Peter 1:7 that says, “These trials will prove your faith to be genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold.” Meaning that no matter what we go through … no matter how hard and tragic our lives seem to be at times …every painful experience ultimately builds us up, make us stronger, and teaches us a lesson that will lead us to a brighter future. 

Inspired to share that message with the world… Gold By Fire went in the studio with sound engineer Eric Emery (Emery Recording Studios) to record a brand new song that shares a unique perspective on what is happening in America.

If you’d like to download that new song for for free => CLICK HERE.


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